Remote control of the human nervous system in march 2012 the russian defense minister anatoli serdjukov said. This law describes psychotronic weapons in great detail. By taking a quartz crystal matrix and extending it on the sub quantum level into one of the seven folded dimensions of multidimensional physics as mentioned in mtheory, string theory, grand unified field theory, we obtain seven psychotronic amplifiers. Posts about psychotronic weapons written by ramola d. The government has all kinds of secrets, but only a true conspiracy theorist might suspect that psychoelectric weapons are one of them. There are numerous us remote influencing companies all run by x government agents that sell remote influencing secrets. To be honest, i find this story so disturbing that i dont quite know how to blog about it. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. The issue of psychotronic weapons and psychotronic war. Psychotronic is the russian term for mind control, although it has been given many meanings.
Jan 26, 2020 the development of weaponry based on new physics principles directenergy weapons, geophysical weapons, waveenergy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on is part of the state arms procurement program until 2020, minister anatoliy serdyukov reported to presidentinwaiting vladimir putin during their latest meeting. Also described as nonlethal weapons, these are used in. Gangstalking is a form of harassment by a group of people against an individual for the purpose of harass or demean them constantly and permanently over an extended period of. Tsygankov psychotronic weapons brain manipulation from a distance putin reportedly confirms that russia is actively working on psychotronic weapons. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for. The current psychotronic store our 3rd is on broad st. Electronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that government agents make use of electromagnetic radiation such as the microwave auditory effect, radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into peoples heads, affect peoples bodies, and harass people. Avernus is the name of the first level, dis is the name of. The development of weaponry based on new physics principles. Psychotronics or psi warfare is the use of electronic machines to send beams of energy or frequencies directly to peoples brains and bodies through the air.
Psychotronic weapons, electronic harassment, targeted. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the. Oliver lowery who appears to be working for the cia, according to jon ronson, author of the men who. If an automatic kalashnikova could have been invented, approved and perfected at the shooting range, then for the development of psychotronic weapons peopledonors are constantly required. List of symptoms of psychotronic and directed energy. The quartz matrix of each has an extra dimension of unfolded spacetime. Soviets used topsecret, psychotronic weapons report. With psychotronic generators psychic batteries the psiadept can have the energy to break free of this psidamping field pdf so they can correctly remotely. The power and promise of high power electromagnetic. Infotepinfotep, the dominican directed energy directorate responsible for secretly beefing up the countrys psychotronic weapons arsenal, was founded by osvaldo diaz, a man so dangerous that he served as partial inspiration for the character of mad scientist miles dyson in the 1991 sciencefiction flick, the terminator 2.
Psychotronic weapon brain manipulation from a distance 1. The result of the discussion was merge to psychotronics. Applications in military and for antisocial purposes are possibilities also for knowledge of psychotronics, its means, methods, systems, generators, and there is the path for the transformation of the humanitarian, essential attributes of life and society in the weapons. Psychotronic generators are psychic batteries that store life force or the other 34 types of energy that are available to manifest humans.
Representative from ohio and candidate for the president of the united states dennis kucinichs attempted ban of spacebased weapons. It should be understood, that electromagnetic and informational weapons are fully operational and could be used by usnato in their wars in different parts of the world. Microwave beam weapon to disperse crowds by jeff hecht, boston. Psychotronic weapons they exist and your governments know about them see here for former u. What impact will psychotronic weapons have on crisis. The arsenal of electromagnetic and informational weapons, used to manipulate the human mind of targeted individuals or populations, is an integral part of the weapons system of the new world order.
This soviet union study focused on the term radiosleep. He had contacted, made friends with, and interviewed tens of people long before russian president putin declared publicly that his country possessed psychotronic weapons. Ets, use of psychotronic weapons, eschatological issues, and ethical orientation. The term psychotronic weapons refers to several systems of nonlethal weapons that use electronic and electromagnetic means to directly assault the human nervous system and brain, altering emotional states and behavior. The generators invented by pavlita from alchemical texts were used by the soviet union to power their psiwarfare projects under andropov. By combining the radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the brain of a bull. The joint nonlethal weapons program would provide perfect cover for an artificial telepathy program for several reasons. Apr 03, 20 psychotronic and electromagnetic weapons. Sep 06, 2011 the term mind control basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will or without their knowledge, particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing and the term psychotronic torture comes from psycho of psychological and electronic.
Here is a listing of the psychotronic weapons now being deployed against the brains of many americans in select cities and select regions, and some known countermeasures which have been claimed to be effective. Second, as a weapons system, artificial telepathy requires the combination of directed energy weapons weapons that direct laser, microwave, millimeter wave and infrared energy at targets, hightech sensors, spacebased platforms and supercomputers capable of simulating the behavior of a human brain. Sep 15, 2009 psychotronic weapons are related to one of the types of the socalled nonlethal weapons. Anisimov psychotronic war and the security of russia by v. Their invisible components can kill at a distance, imitating or causing any chronic illness, they can make a person a criminal or irresponsible, create aviation, railroad or automobile accidents in a matter of seconds, destroy fundamental structures, destroy, create or provoke. People should care more about that than whomever is currently on tv. How to build a psychotronic generator february 23, 2017 6. How they control you mind has been investigating the issues for a long time. If the io element is a humanbased, data processor component the brain, which can be influenced or manipulated by propaganda, psychotronics, nonlethal weapons, or special pharmaceuticals according to the russian paradigm, then the issue under consideration is informationpsychological. An autonomous generator is a device that operates in the 10150 hertz band. Most of the fields of manmade electromagnetic energy we experience on a routine, daily basis are byproducts of modern industry. There are a host of so called psychotronic generators used by the major powers for their programs but the genius of tim tony stark rifat is to thoroughly evaluate and. Federal assembly parliament of the russian federation duma. Covert use of exotic weapons, intelligence leaks, and.
Protection from frequency psychotronic weapons is not an easy task. The history of psychotronic weapons can be traced back several decades. Thomas, the mind has no firewall, article other researchers are studying highfrequency generators those designed to stun the psyche with high frequency waves such as electromagnetic, acoustic, and. When all else fails they can never take away the ability to make your own badass homemade survival weapons. The article suggests that there exists a group within the militaryintelligence community that is devoted to the development and use of psychotronic weapons systems. Paranormal during the cold war, many soviet scientists agreed that psychic energy was a measurable force and they developed devices to harness and amplify psychic power. Russian draft law with detailed descriptions of psychotronic weapons this law describes psychotronic weapons in great detail. Defending the citizen from psychotronic terrorism, there. Terminology devils are fiends from lawful evilaligned planes. F the usa denies they have machines that can put thoughts into the minds of unwitting subjects. Welcome to the official psychotronic web siteim michael j. Section i the best argument for the existence of u.
The first alleged use of psychotronics was by a scientist in the former soviet union in the 1970s. Psychotronic arms potential must be monitored, member of the russian federation of space exploration scientific and technical council, anatoliy pushenko in moscow rabochaya tribuna, nov. This important article first published by gr in august 2004 brings to the forefront the role of psychotronic weapons as an instrument of modern warfare. Psychotronics definition of psychotronics by the free. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves andor electromagnetic waves to subvert an individuals sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. Soleilmavis liu sponsor activist of peacepink yantai, shandong province, china recent years, the words mind control abuse and torture and target individual appears frequently on line. Government accidentally releases documents on psycho. The russian evidence thanks to your generous donations, sixtytwo pages of the v. Here are the best clean out the container and combine the hottest dried chili peppers you can get your hands on. That means that your cell phone can read and control and probably is reading and controlling your mind. Purpose this regulation sets policy and assigns responsibilities for operation and maintenance of the department of the army da. Wave is reflected from surface, both waves merge to create mach wave.
Rob fixmer merging man and machine british telecom implants. Baker it is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable. Petition stop people from using psychotronic weapons. The original psychotronic store was on east 9th st. Aug 30, 2017 in the future, these type of weapons may become the cause of illnesses or death of an object person, and without any risk to the life of the operator person emitting the command. Psychotronic weapons pf weapons this is the totality of all possible methods and means technogenic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects. Baator, also known as the nine hells of baator or the nine hells, is a lawful evil aligned plane of existence. Soviets used topsecret psychotronic weapons, reports have emerged of a top secret program of psychotronic brainwashing techniques developed by the kgb and the ministry of. Psychotronic weapons are silent, difficult to detect, and require the efforts of one or several operators as a source of power. Gangstalking is a form of harassment by a group of people against an individual for the purpose of harass or demean them constantly and permanently over an extended period of time. Generally, psychotronic is term for the use of emr to affect the brain.
Jun 17, 2009 we are writing you on behalf of organization of victims of psychotronic mind control weapons to ask for your help for the many constituents in canada who are being targeted unjustly or used as. So its odd that muckrock, a news organization that. The us air force currently has the technology to win many battles without harming. Last week, delegates from stopzet, the polish organization against mind control and psychotronic weapons, handed a letter to attendees at the g20 2017 summit in hamburg to ask that they wake up to the extreme dangers of covert electromagnetic weapons and neuroweapons that are being used under cover of secrecy and. Psychotronic mind control psychotronic weapons, trauma. Files were released through crest and obtained as tif files by the black vault and converted to pdf by that 1 archive. France china atmospheric 194563 194962 195258 196074 196480 215 219 21 50 23 underground 195192 196190 196291 196196 196996 815 496 24 160 22. The us military possesses a sophisticated arsenal of psychotronic weapons which could be used both domestically and internationally. In fact, many clinton administration justice department officials in private conversations do not use the description, nonlethal, but instead, prefer to describe them as softkill weapons. Types of psychotronic weapons a psychotronic generator produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, tv, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.
Psychotronics is an independent science which deals holistically with the interactions between bodies and the environment internal and external and the energy processes which represent the base of these mutual relationships l inks. Psychotronic weapons by their own specifications are at the root different from other types of weapons. Second definition of psychotronic weapons as an epigraph. Psychotronic weapons brain manipulation from a distance. First, is the implication that the supposedly defunct and supposedly retired haarp ionospheric heater has mind control applications. This module uses the terms devil and fiend interchangeably. There are individuals in this country, victims of psychotronic or mind control, electronic, electromagnetic, directed energy, neurological, nonlethal weapons, who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent.
Psychotronic firewalls against public truth veterans today. Brain manipulation from a distance that it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. A military technology dealing with electronic weapons or devices used to either degrade or enhance human health by directed energy. Weldon, from cleveland, where i became obsessed at an early age by television, radio, and mad magazine, followed by horror movie magazines, the british invasion, garage and psych rock, and early fm underground radio. Currently deployed psychotronicmindcontrol technologies. Artificial telepathy is a weapon, but it does not kill.
It is inexpensive and simple, and often hard to detect and defeat. At the 1020 hertz band, it forms an infrasonic oscillation. The psychotronic generator as developed by the russian psychic warfare program had a core function in their weapon systems to amplify the effects of their weaponeer psychics. This is particularly so because the vast array of symptoms that are caused by attacks from these weapons duplicate symptoms that can be created from other natural nonmalicious sources. Psychotronic weapons are lofty, rational weapons which are applied in combination with other types of nonlethal weapons and psychotechnological weapons. First, an artificial telepathy weapon would naturally fall into the category of nonlethal weapons. List of symptoms of psychotronic and directed energy device abuse. Psychotronic weapons they exist and your governments know.
What they dont tell you is that you need energy, lots of energy for even the simplest remote influencing. Since the 1990s, the us military has shown extreme interest in something the soviets dubbed psychotronic weapons. Psychotronic weapons pf weapons this is the totality of all possible. Remote control of the human nervous system theres several things to note here. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication. Parapsychology thus reverts, like mesmerism or metapsychology, to the description of a stage of development of psychotronics. Their invisible components can kill at a distance, imitating or causing any chronic illness, they can make a person a criminal or irresponsible, create aviation, railroad or automobile accidents in a matter of seconds, destroy fundamental structures, destroy, create or provoke any climatic cataclysm. Cahra russian book translation project results psychotronic is the russian term for mind control, although it has been given many meanings.
Against use of psychotronic mindbody control weapons. How effective would you be without your electronics. The contents of the psychotronic weapons page were merged into psychotronics on 7 may 20 and it now redirects there. Walter is now deceased but was the first to really open the door to all these secret usaf mindkontrol weapons and their illegal and massive deployment against the american people. For the contribution history and old versions of the merged article please see its history.
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